Hmmm. Those of you watching a certain reality show set in an Antipodean jungle will have experienced Nadine Dorries, MP for Mid Bedfordshire, attempting to "connect" with the people of Britain by taking an unauthorised break from representing some of them and pocketing forty thousand pounds in the process. Not a great way to go about things, but it made me ponder on the nature of being a Christian. We, too, are called to connect with our neighbours by disconnecting from the world. As Christians we are called to model a different way of living which doesn't aspire to get rich by buying lottery tickets or by carrying out dodgy business dealings and that doesn't seek vengeance or power but offers instead forgiveness and service. We are called to disconnect from the mad rush of consumerist nonsense and to REALLY celebrate at Christmas. We are called to disconnect from the prevailing mood of pessimism and to invite our neighbours to join us in living within God's blessing.
So like Nadine we disconnect in order to connect. But we can't shout "I'm a celebrity..." when the going gets tough.