I hope you have had an enjoyable half-term week with the various ways that it may have changed your week; perhaps for you it involved more work, less work, more time with loved ones, different routines, more rest, less rest…I could go on!
This morning was a bit of a first for me as I was interviewed on the radio on the subject of Lent. I actually found it really difficult and quite nerve-wracking being on live radio, only managing to calm myself by believing that no one would be listening to the radio at that time of the day. And then I got to church and the first person I saw said “I heard you on the radio…” If you fancy a listen it is just after the 8am news, 1 hour and 3 minutes into this clip
Lent is special time of preparation for us, characterised by fasting, by self-examination, by doing good deeds, and by praying. How will you mark lent this year? At church you can come to the Ash Wednesday service which will now start at 7.30pm, not 8pm as advertised, for an opportunity to stop and reflect on the forgiveness of God. Or you could join in the Lent course which begins on Thursday at the Vicarage at 7.30pm. If you can’t come for some reason but would like to read along with what we are studying then please ask me for a copy of the course and I will get one to you.
I pray that you will have a holy Lent, and will be drawn ever deeper into the presence of the One from whom all good things derive, God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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